Friday, May 5, 2017

Get to know the Groupie: PAM SHARPE


"Life is a journey and people are the roadmap to fulfillment."

Specialties:Budget Planning & Media Recommendations and Placement for clients 
Favorite expression: “Way to Go” 
Drink of choice: Red wine 
Never seen without: A smile 
Someday she will go to: Italy, Austria & Switzerland to explore all there is to offer 
Super Power: Ability to read people 
Slightly addicted to: The tv show Castle 
Dislikes the word: “Can’t” 
Special talent: Listening 
Enjoys spending time: Activities with friends that revolve around wine or slot machines!! 
Favorite Music Genre: Pop Music.I really like the song by Gotye, “Somebody that I used to love” 
Favorite place: On my patio at home enjoying the garden
When I am not sleeping, I am constantly doing things around the house.